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Follow the Revelation of

Channeling Josephine Callot

Dear Reader,

My blog tells the journey of my research and writing about the lives of Josephine Callot and her inner circle.

In these posts, I share historical research, photographs, and memorabilia, to illuminate her story, without revealing details that could spoil the adventure of reading the book.

I will also share with you the fundamentals of channeling and reincanation to impart further understanding of this memoir and how it came to be.

I invite you follow this weblog and share in the enchantment of these stories.  When you opt to follow me, I’ll send you the first chapter of Channeling Josephine Callot.

— Judith Goldberg

Ouija board

What is channeling?

Channeling is a process by which an individual becomes a ‘vessel’, ‘receptor’ or ‘channel’ through which information is received from some exterior, non-corporeal source. While the validity of channeled information may be demonstrable, it is not provable by empirical science.

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Eugène Delacroix painting

France in the Nineteenth Century: A legacy of Turmoil

Josephine’s life story plays out against the dramatic backdrop of nineteenth century French history. Born in 1866, Josephine is not spared the instability of life in France. The Franco-Prussian War, Siege of Paris, and civil uprising of the Communards, defining events of 1870-71, are formative experiences of her childhood. Insecurity, and unpredictability leave a lasting impression.

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Callot Sisters

Who was Josephine Callot?

Josephine, youngest of the four sisters who built the Callot Soeurs couturier fashion empire, is independent, free spirited and determined to live life on her own terms. She is intelligent, talented, progressive, ambitious, and sexually liberated. Despite the patriarchal culture of the times, she succeeds in having a successful career, a love affair for the ages and an enviable marriage.

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Share the journey…

Channeling Josephine Callot, first in a series of three books, is a work in progress with an anticipated publication in 2022. Revealed through my intuitive gifts, it is born of my thirty years of professional practice as a karmic astrologer and past-life regression therapist.

I chose a literary format in order to entertain, inform, and inspire the reader. While considered historical fiction, it is an authentic retelling of the lives of real people and the times which shaped their character and made their stories possible. It is compelling, dramatic, and filled with passion and pathos.

Josephine’s memoir documents the journey over lifetimes of a group of souls. Their personal and spiritual evolution provides a template that reveals the deeper meaning of existence and the human experience.

Paris in the Belle Époque—what a time to be alive!

Amusez-vous bien!